Lightning Protection/ Free-Standing Air Terminals
Product Description
Lightning Protection-Free-Standing Air Terminals
A range of free-standing lightning interception terminals for the protection of roof-mounted equipment on surfaces where no penetration of the roof structure for anchoring is allowed.
A multi-component, stackable system with screw retention to achieve protection heights of up to 12m.
The free-standing air terminal system is designed to withstand wind speeds of up to 118mph (190kmh). We recommend that all concrete bases (that are installed in conjunction with the free-standing air terminals) are installed using the protective roof pads (PRP 001).
These free-standing air terminals are manufactured from stainless steel and come with an aluminium tip, support bases can also be purchased along with the free-standing air terminal along with the appropriate concrete base to ensure complete rigidity.
Product Gallery
Greaseley Street, Bullwell
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom
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