Exothermic Welding- Weld Powders

Product Description
Exothermic Welding-Weld Powders
Cu-nnect Weld Metal is a high quality mixture of copper oxide and aluminium contained inside plastic cartridges, which are packed in boxes of 10 or 20 pieces depending on the powder weight, the weights range from 25g all the way up to 250g. The metal retaining discs are contained in a separate bag inside each box. Each weld connection uses one disc.
The starting powder is compacted at the bottom of each cartridge under a pull-ring. The starting powder is released by pulling the pull-ring out of the cartridge.
Cu-nnect Weld Powder is NOT explosive, shock sensitive or subject to spontaneous ignition.
Product Gallery

Greaseley Street, Bullwell
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom
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