Onshore & Offshore Services
Product Description
Arabcal offers its expertise in the calibration of equipment in all the verticals with its presence in every corner of the globe. We serve our clientele with excellent onsite and lab calibration and testing services . We work as per the government guidelines to ensure the inspection and testing of safety equipment and calibration of meters and instruments. Arabcal has fully-fledged lab facilities for the calibration and valve testing services. A highly qualified and BOSIET certified team to perform onshore and offshore calibration and testing. We also efficiently perform a rig check for the equipment maintenance and asset management. The team delivers maximum output & maximum efficiency in calibration. Our clienteles’ services cover every sized business at any location, we ensure excellent calibration and testing services for them.
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P O Box 90992, Suite 713 Business Avenue Building, Port Saeed, Deira
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
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