Axis Electrical Components (I) P. Ltd.

Company Description
Axis an ISO 9001:2015 co. is the leading Indian
Mfgr & Exporter of a wide range of LV & MV Electrical products.
Our main customer base consists of Distributors/Wholesalers of Electrical
Products, Electrical Contractors & Installers, Equipment Manufacturers,
Maintenance Companies and Government Authorities.
Axis products are tested to following standards
Axis offers:
- Copper/Alu/Bimetal lugs/connectors
- Brass Cable Glands & Accessories
- Cable Cleats & SS cable ties
- Earthing & Lightning protection System & ESE
- Exothermic weld systems
- Surge Protection Devices
- LV & MV AB Cable accessories
- MV Overhead Line Hardwares
- Galvanised Steel Crossarms & Armaments
- Polymeric ...
Plot 149-BCD, Kandivali Co-op Ind Est Ltd, Kandivali (W)
Mumbai, Maharashtra
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