AT Series Signal Converter / Isolator, Transmitter, Splitter

Product Description
AT Series AT series converter / distributor primarily designed for use in the general signal conversion and isolation circuit;as 4~20mA、0~10V、Thermocouple(Type K, J, E, T), Rtd (Pt100Ω), Load Cell, Potentiometer and AC Voltage/Current…, Complete models This section slim design of the converter / distributor, in addition to providing two groups of signal output (Isolation) or 24V excitationsupply for the transmitter used, the switching power supply willprovide installation convenience. The top and designed power supply, input and output indicators and removable terminal blocks to facilitate on-site construction and working status view.
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4-F-18, No. 14, Ln.609, Sec.5, Chongxin Rd., Sanchong Dist.
New Taipei City
Taiwan, China
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