Tyrann Inverter Charger
Product Description
Tyrann is an inverter charger, featuring two independent AC inputs for connecting the grid and a generator, or two generators. It can automatically select the active source or the user-preset prioritized AC source based on the system demand. When peak power is required for a limited period, Tyrann will discharge the battery immediately to compensate the insuffificient part of the limited AC source, safeguarding an uninterruptible power supply for loads to the maximum extent. Worth to mention, that Tyrann boasts ESS functionality, supporting energy feeding back into the grid. Its single-machine maximum power is up to 15kW, featuring a stronger surge capacity to carry inductive loads with high initial current. In addition, it works well with TBB latest SP600-120 solar charge controller which supports higher open circuit voltage. They are the perfect couple in composing a DC Coupled PV system with higher effificiency.
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17 Ladoke Akintola Road
Ikeja, Lagos
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