Smart MV Switchgear (upto 24kV) ZS8N.

Product Description
ZS8N series is a 12-24kV
metal-clad separated air insulated medium voltage switchgear, with withdrawable
circuit breaker in the middle compartment. It is mature in technology, safe and
reliable, easy to operate and maintain, widely used in various industries, and
well evaluated by customers.
Configure the SmartSwitch
digital power distribution system and related primary and secondary intelligent
equipment to become an intelligent switchgear ZS8N-i with superior performance,
including remote intelligent operation and maintenance, energy consumption
analysis and management, internal and external environment monitoring of the
switchgear, local touch screen monitoring function, QR code, mobile terminal
application and other functions to realize the digital switchgear system.According to IEC
62271-200, type tested with Loss of service continuity category LSC2B-PM and
Internal Arc Classification IAC AFLR /Arc Duration:1S
Product Gallery

9 Hongxi Road (Minghan Indsutrial Park) Xiang'an District
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