Alpha Dhabi acquires majority stake in Metito Holdings
The move supports the objectives of the UAE’s Year of Sustainability and the upcoming COP28 and marks Alpha Dhabi’s inaugural foray into the water and wastewater sector. Pending regulatory approvals, this transaction marks Alpha Dhabi’s entry into the ...

Saudi Arabia invites interest in Ras Mohaisen IWP
The 300,000 cm/d Ras Mohaisen desalination project will be located 300km from Mecca in Saudi Arabia's western province

Bidders give presentations for Dubai’s Hassyan IWP
A world record low tariff of $0.277/cubic metre was submitted for Dubai’s first independent water producer (IWP) project following a retender

Egypt plans $2.8bn desalination programme over next five years
Egypt’s government has announced the North African country will develop 47 desalination plants over the next five years in a programme worth $2.8bn. The 47 desalination plants will be located in the governorates of North and South Sinai, Suez, Ismailia...

Sustainability should play key role in energy and water sector post-Covid-19
Written by Dr Corrado Sommariva, CEO and founder, Sustainable Water and Power Consultants

Saudi Arabia issues tender for two more independent sewage treatment projects
The Buraydah ISTP is planned to have a sewage treatment capacity of 150,000 cm/d, with the Tabuk 2 ISTP scheduled to have a capacity of 90,000 cm/d. The plants are due to begin commercial operations in the fourth quarter of 2023.