DDS26D Smart Energy Meter

Product Description
The newest generation of STAR smart meter is based on the design conception of state-of-theart,supporting various communication technology for the IoT world. Compliant with DLMS/IDISprotocol, the product ensured its high interoperability. The modular design ensures that themeter could response to various requests from different customers effectively, while the futureproof design makes the meter flexible enough to support open options from customers. In aword, it is an advanced designed meter that could not only support STAR POWER system, butalso that of utility smart solutions supplied by any third party all over the world through properintegration work.
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23/F Coastal Building No.3 Haide Rd., Nanshan District
Star Industrial Park, Baolong Industrial City, Longgang District
Shenzhen, Guangzhou Province, China
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