Nawec Saudi Arabia

Company Description
National Water And Electricity Co.Ltd (NAWEC) was established in June 1996 under the Companies Act of 1955 as a Public Limited liability Company. NAWEC is engaged in the generation and provision of electricity, water and sewerage services for domestic, public and industrial purposes. NAWEC succeeded the Gambia Utilities Corporation (GUC), which was established by an act of parliament in 1972 and the Utilities Holding Corporation (UHC), which was established by Presidential Executive Order in 1992. UHC entered into a leasing contract with SOGEA which formed a company, Management Services Gambia Limited (MSG) to operate and manage the assets profitably. This arrangement was terminated in February 1995, leaving UHC with the management responsibility of the assets.
NAWEC is mandated for the provision of electricity, water and sewerage service in The Gambia. It is governed by a Board of Directors which is appointed by the Honourable Secretary of State for Energy. The Managing Dir...
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