KELEX s.r.o.

Company Description
Slovak company KELEX s.r.o. is operating in the field of low-voltage
electrical switchboards production since 2004, iIn 2007 began the assembling of air conditioning units for rail vehicles and in
recent years also the manufacturing of electrical subassemblies for STADLER
train bogies.
company is certified according to ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14 001: 2015, ISO 45 001:
2018 and is therefore successful especially in European markets, with a share
of exports to German-speaking EU countries of more than 95%. Biggest customers are Stadler, Knorr-Bremse, Engie, Krauss Maffei, Provis, Siemens, Merak, etc.
Main activities of KELEX are:
design and manufacturing of low voltage electrical switchboards for rolling
stock and marine vessels, for energy, machine engineering and for civil
production of electrical subassemblies for train underbodies
• assembly of heating and air conditioning systems for
rolling stock.
Podhradska cesta 4
038 52
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