Product Description
Switched Reluctance Motors and Drives can provide an effective alternative to induction motors in many situations where the operating conditions do not suit them. Disadvantages of these conventional induction motor based systems include:
Induction motors with direct-on-line starting, draw very high starting currents especially where the initial torque is high
Induction motors with soft starting have limited torque available to start loads
Induction motors with variable frequency drives (VFD) are less efficient where there is regular acceleration , deceleration, stopping and reversal
The SRD is well suited to these situations, providing many advantages over the conventional approaches.
Typical applications include:
• General machinery: fans, pumps, compressors
• Textile machinery : rapier looms, towel looms, etc.
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2 Centrus, Mead Lane, Hertford
SG13 7GX
United Kingdom
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