Suparule Systems Ltd
Company Description
Founded in 1989 Suparule Systems is an Irish Company specialising in the development, manufacture & supply of electronic test & measurement instruments for technical personnel in the utility, industrial, construction & commercial sectors.
Drawing on this vast experience, our team comes equipped with a wide range of skills, intuitive know-how and a dedication to quality customer service. Our specialist expertise has been in the development and manufacture of earth fault and /or phase fault detection of underground or overhead cables. Suparule has supplied this equipment to Companies involved in major infrastructural projects through out Europe, Africa and Middle East.
Suparule is home to the Cable Height Meter (CHM) the worlds No1 selling ultrasonic handheld meter for measurement of cable sag, cable height and overhead clearance of conductors. With our global sales distribution network for this product, Suparule has gained a unique insight into the requirements of ...
Holland Road, National Technology Park
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