Scope T&M
Company Description
SCOPE from its initial days has always believed in “Make In India” & therefore set up its R&D to provide “Simple Solutions for Difficult Measurements”. SCOPE entered into manufacturing of Test & Measurement instrument. With the support of the customers, SCOPE has been aggressive to step out of regular development to provide the expected customized solutions for the customer. Our Customer who has been our greatest support always provided their helping hand due to which we were able to deliver the products matching expectations of customer.
SCOPE in last decade has expanded its wing from Test & Measurement Manufacturing to providing Test and Commissioning Services in field of testing Sub-station from LV- HV- EHV & UHV. SCOPE has also expanded in providing Protection Solutions through engineering and design of CRP & SAS panels.
We are committed to our customer to provide solutions which not only exceed their technical requirements but also make it cost- effective ava...
402, Aurus Chambers, Annex 'A, S.S Amrutwar Marg, Worli
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