
Company Description
About the company
“Proekteleсtroteсhnika” LLC is
a modern plant manufacturing dry transformers with cast insulation of ТЛС (ТЛСЗ) (TLS (TLSZ)) series: distribution transformers with
rated capacity of up to 3150 kVA, dividing transformers with rated capacity of
up to 6300 kVA and voltage of up to 35kV and converter transformers with rated
capacity of up to 3200 kVA and voltage of up to 10 kV, diesel power plants,
High quality of the products
is ensured due to the use of modern automated equipment, as well as the
components made by both European and leading Russian manufacturers. All
products are tested in our own
automated testing laboratory, allowing to carry out type and
certification tests of the produced equipment.
All products of “Proekteleсtroteсhnika” LLC are
certified and correspond to the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, GOST R
52719-2007, international (IEC) and European norms (EN),
Shcherbakov str. 60
Russian Federation
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