PREPREG from Krempel: the ideal basis

Product Description
PREPREGS - PREimPREGnated materials - are fibre materials with reactive resins. With their numerous options of processing, they represent the ideal basis for light-weight and high-strength construction parts.
The Krempel PREPREG systems are based on reactive resins with a latent curing system at ambient temperatures and a highly reactive curing system at higher temperatures.
Initially, the PREPREG resins are present in the reactive B-state with medium to high viscosity. Effortless processing is provided by applying energy and simultaneous forming. Hereby, the low molecular, still fusible resins are transformed into the high molecular non-fusible C-state. We match the resin system precisely to the specification of the converter for this controlled process.
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Papierfabrikstrasse 4
Vaihingen/Enz, Baden-Würrtemberg
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