OptimAE PD - Partial Discharge Monitoring system
Product Description
Fiber optic PD
monitoring system OptimAE PD is a ground-breaking system
that enables online partial
discharge monitoring of critical, high
voltage electrical equipment
and components in challenging
conditions. It detects partial discharge
by measuring the ultrasonic acoustic
waves generated in solids by
microscopic electrical discharges. It uses
fiber optic sensors and acoustic
emission measurement.
OptimAE PD is for you if you want to: 1. Maximize uptime and reduce
scheduled downtime 2. Eliminate possibility of failure
occurring between periodic tests 3. Avoid unplanned outages, high
repair or replacement costs, and lost
Immune to EMI • Passive sensors • Covers kilometers • No power required at sensing location • Uninterrupted service during installation • Real-time monitoring
For: Power Transformers • Rotating Machines • Power Cables & Terminations • Switchgear • High-voltage components
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De Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV
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