Oil Dielectric Testers

Product Description
Oil Dielectric AC test sets provide replicable, accurate measurement of breakdown voltage of insulating oils used in electrical equipment. These lightweight, rugged units are designed for field and laboratory use. The DTS Series provides repeatable and accurate measurements of the breakdown voltage of insulating oils used in electrical equipment. The DTS-60D & DTS-100D offer 60 kV AC and 100 kV AC output respectively. They include three user-selectable, automatic voltage rates-of-rise, and automatic voltage shutdown with the meter indicating the flashover voltage. Various test cells are available.The DTS-60AFand DTS-100AF are fully automatic liquid dielectric test sets, typically used for testing the voltage breakdown level of insulating oils. The most common world standards are pre-programmed into the controls. Custom test sequences can also be programmed.
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31 County RTE 7A, Copake
Copake, NY
United States
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