National Grid Saudi Arabia
Company Description
The Saudi network code contains a number of rules and regulations to organize the work of the National Grid SA. The code also aims at making sure that the power transmission services are available for all network users in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in an effective, economical, fair and transparent way, without any discrimination between the network users.
The Saudi Arabian Grid Code is designed to ensure that transmission facilities and services are provided to all grid participants in the country in an efficient, economic, fair, non-discriminatory, and transparent manner. To facilitate this liaison, the Code sets out obligations and accountabilities of the TSP as well as of users for grid access and use and provides a set of rules, regulations, and standards of performance for this purpose.
Being a key regulatory instrument to effectively deal with the new institutional arrangement and market operation, the development of the Saudi Arabian Grid Code is a landmar...
22955 Wadi Ash Shuhada, An Nakheel
Saudi Arabia
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