MPW Kuwait
Company Description
When the Directorate of Works was established in 1945, it had only a few employees working in three offices within a space not more than fifty square meters. At that time, the tasks assigned to the Directorate of Works were limited. The tasks were only restricted to establishing some buildings needed for public services and other departments. These buildings included: the Shura Council, the old Amiri Hospital, and some buildings of the Customs, Passports, Health, and Interior departments. The first task was to conduct an aerial survey of Kuwait and draw a map of the cities marking the places of public services.
The 1950s were the start of the urban renaissance. With the increase of population and the national income, the need for construction works increased; whether the road construction or architecture. In addition, there was a need for providing health safety through constructing sanitary and rainwater drainage systems. It was necessary to provide the technical services requ...
Ministry Area, Block 1, 6th Ring Road
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