Janitza Electronics GmbH
Company Description
Janitza energy
measurement technology. Made in Germany.
Nowadays, energy
management is not only relevant for the environment and for society but is also
a critical competitive factor. Only those who can keep a close eye on their
energy consumption can reduce costs and increase efficiency.
This is a particular
focal point for Janitza. The product range provides complete system solutions
for modern energy data management, power quality and residual current
measurement devices and software, Janitza also offers the associated services –
a complete solution that guarantees efficient energy management. This includes:
Energy measurement technology, class A network quality analysers compliant with
standard EN 50160, digital integrated measurement devices, mobile power quality
analysers, harmonic filters and compensation systems.
Alongside consultation and the development of technical solutions, Janitza also
Vor dem Polstück 6
Lahnau, Deutschland
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