Idea Makina Imalat San Ve Tic Ltd Sti

Company Description
IDEA, which was established in 2005 as a 100% family company with its experience over 25 years, has displayed a surprising growth in a short time with its decisiveness to be a significant player throughout the world in the generator industry. IDEA, which has made contributing to the value of our country its basic aim, continues its activities with transparent institutional management, production in international standards, customer satisfaction and a concept of social responsibility.
IDEA JENERATOR manufactures diesel generators up to 2500 kVA, trailer mounted type generators, transfer boards, synchronization boards and projector towers in its 3.000 m²-production facility located in Tuzla, Istanbul.
IDEA JENERATOR, which renders service with its over 32 sale points of sale in the Turkish market, exports 80% of its production.
Tuzla Deri OSB Sama Cad 12 Yol No 7, Ohanli/Tuzla
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