Product Description
The EODev GEH2 is a hydrogen fuel cell power generator designed to replace diesel or gas gensets in both mobile, prime and emergency stand-by applications.
This cutting-edge generator is completely zero emission, only rejecting water and heat as by-products. No noise, no fumes, no CO2 or fine particules. Scalable, efficient and easy-to-use the GEH2 is equipped with the latest generation of hydrogen fuel cell from our partner Toyota, giving it an exceptional reliability and a record life span.
Ideal for supplying clean energy to mobile and / or temporary events, such as concerts or on construction sites, the GEH2 also finds its full raison d'ĂȘtre in the supply of back-up or emergency power on sensitive installations (hospitals, data centers ...) or for "off-grid" and isolated areas, such as high mountain refuges, relay antennas, islands, mines or tunnels, etc.
Product Gallery
82 rue Henry Farman
Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
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