Company Description
ELECTROTEL Production Profile as “Original Manufacturer” (main
groups and recent developments):
- LV Modular Distribution systems / high-end withdrawable MCCs - complete distribution switchboards
- MV Metalclad Switchgears (distribution/ transmission; MV Motors Control; MV Neutral Grounding)
- Power Factor Correction (PFC) for LV and MV Switchboards
- Automation, Protection & Control, Telecom. panels, for HV Substations (AC & DC HV transmission lines)
- Containerized Substations/ LER/ E-Rooms
- General automation panels; machine tools cabinets; panels for renewable energy farms; SCADA
- Metal Enclosures and parts; EMC/ESD certified enclosures
- Accessories (ventilation filters; fan blocks); etc.)
Transfer of Know-How/ licenses for local manufacturing of LV-MCC and...
279, Dunarii St.
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