DEIF Middle East FZE
Company Description
DEIF develops and manufactures a full line of reliable, compatible, and flexible electronic control devices. Our leading application knowhow supports integrators, OEMs, and asset owners in designing and operating scalable, energy-efficient, and sustainable power solutions for an energy sector in transition. Our devices can be used for a wide range of applications, including hybrid power on land and at sea, wind turbine retrofit and optimisation, power rental, critical power, power and energy management, and bridge instrumentation. Headquartered in Denmark and present in more than 50 key markets all over the world, we provide local assistance anywhere, and through close and honest long-term collaboration, we help our partners and customers sustain and grow their business. We firmly believe that business growth can be combined with the effort to create a cleaner and more sustainable future.
Frisenborgvej 33
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