Ausonia Srl
Company Description
AUSONIA, CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY LEADER IN POWER GENERATION SYSTEMS In an area covering 32.000 sqm, Ausonia designs, manufactures and sells a wide range of standard gensets solutions in the range up to 4000 kVA for each single unit. Within its tried & tested products offering, Ausonia includes AC generators, DC Generators, Co-generation and Tri-generation systems (CHP/CCHP), Hybrid Gensets and DC Battery Systems, Renewables-integrated Power solutions, Low & Medium Voltage Power Plants, Mobile Gensets on wheels and many others power systems configurations. Counting on its 100 years’ experience in the design and production of tailor-made energy solutions designed around specific Customers’ needs, Ausonia is ready to customize the Products according to the strictest technical requirements. All the main players operating in highly critical sectors such as Defense, Transport, Telecommunications, Building and Infrastructures, have chosen Ausonia as their energy partner and power ...
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