ASP Private Limited
Company Description
Established in 1961, ASP Private Limited, an ISO 9001:2015 accredited company is located in the heart of the city of Kolkata at 22, Strand Road. Kolkata. West Bengal. India. It is located next to the riverine routes of the Ganges of Kolkata, India and enjoys convenient transportation of all sorts. ASP Pvt. Ltd. is also a part of the World & Indian Chamber Of Commerce Database.
ASP Private Limited is one of the leading manufacturers of fasteners in India. For the last 54 years, ASP Private Limited has been developing and supplying the very best of fasteners to India and abroad. Starting from private sectors to different government bodies in different countries, ASP Private Limited has been a landmark in providing quality fasteners of almost all kinds required in a variety of business verticals. With regular additions to the top lines in technology, human resource and quality control, ASP Private Limited has reached its apex in providing timely top quality fasteners both regul...
1st Floor, 22 Strand Road
Kolkata, West Bengal
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